QuickBooks for Business Advisors
Four week session on how to work with clients who use QuickBooks.
This is NOT a class in how to use QuickBooks, but it will help you navigate reports and support your clients who use QuickBooks.
Week 1: Data Validation
- How to look at reports from QuickBooks and know if the numbers can be assured to be accurate.
- What are some steps to resolve numbers that aren't quite right.
Week 2: The Chart of Accounts (and how to get the reports organized in a meaningful way)
- We'll talk about a framework for organize a chart of accounts.
- Review the mechanics for updating a chart of accounts.
- What are products & services and how do they integrate with the Chart of Accounts and reports.
Week 3: The Bank Feed and Problem Solving
- We talked about how to identify problems in QuickBooks, in this session we'll talk about how to solve some of them.
- We'll go through the bank feed, how it works, how it can cause problems; and how to resolve the potential problems.
- We'll also discuss other sticky transactions like managing credit cards sells, and tracking expenses associated with grants.
Week 4: Reports
- Now that you've supported your clients in getting their QuickBooks in order, we can start running reports.
- In this section, we'll talk about some of my favorite reports and how to customize them to get the information you need to best support your clients.
Cash Flow Masterclass
Join me for a 90 minute, live cash flow masterclass.
Creating cash flow statement from historical balance sheets is a great way to get greater insights into a business. They can clarify details beyond whether the business is profitable. As you know, profits are great, but if they don’t have cash in the bank, then it doesn’t matter. We’ll review how to evaluate cash flow: are they cash-flow positive; and what’s driving the cash flow (whether it’s the operations, financing activities, or investing activities).
We’ll dive deep into the difference between cash flow and net income, and walk through how to create a cash flow statement for historical financials; and how to create cash flow projections.
Risk Assessment for Climate Change (OSU)
Presentation and Scenario Planning Template from "Risk Assessment Presentation" with Julia Shanks and Lennie Larkin at OSU.