Opportunity Assessment - PFI

Slides from Opportunity Assessment at Practical Farmers of Iowa Annual Conference

Advanced QuickBooks- PFI

Slides from Practical Farmers of Iowa conference, presented on January 19th, 2023


ASCFG - Recordkeeping Presentation

Slides from the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers Annual Conference.

Growing Your Farm Business Workshop

If you've been in business for 5 years or more, you're ready to revisit your business plan and strategy to make sure you're growing in the right direction. In this 6-week course, we discuss the new skills needed to be a better manager; and give you tools to set you up for success.



Opportunity Assessment Tool

A common challenge that farmers face is whether to sell wholesale or retail. If you sell wholesale, you typically charge a lower unit price (say, $3/pound for lettuce vs. $6/pound retail). But it takes less time and expense to sell wholesale. How do you decide if the lower price is worth it?

With this tool, you can evaluate the opportunity cost of selling through different sales channels with different pricing structures.

Growth Strategy Workshop for Farm Businesses

If you've been in business for 5 years or more, you're ready to revision your business and your growth strategy. Join us this 8 session class where we'll review your past successes and create a vision for your future growth. This workshop delves deep into numbers adn marketing strategy to give you a comprehensive plan for growth.