The Farmer's Edge - A Consulting Collective

This program combines the best of on-line business course plus one-one-one consulting in an affordable package designed to give farmers the hand-on support they need to develop financial systems, manage their businesses and plan for growth. For farmers that don’t have the resources to hire a consultant, they can get the same personalized attention from this group setting with the added benefit of learning from their peers.

Winter 2018

This course meets  on-line every two week for 3 months, starting on Tuesday, January 9th. We are offering two sections: from 10am – 12n or 4pm – 6pm EST.  The cost is $550 for the 3-months and includes email support for a full year. For those who want more support, they can add 3 one-on-one, hour-long consulting sessions with Julia for a total cost of $750.