Often, potential investors don’t want a full-blown business plan. They want a snapshot of your business, why you want investors, and how the money will help your business grow. And they want it in a specific format: a “deck.”  A deck is a PowerPoint presentation that can be distributed as a document or presented as a pitch.

Telling your story to investors in a formal context needs to follow a certain script. We’ve taken the uncertainty out of the process with a template that coaches you through each section of the investor presentation. It includes a thorough list of topics to cover and details to include. Like our business plan template, the investor presentation asks plenty of thought-provoking questions to help you frame your business and growth strategy in the most compelling light. Working through the template will leave you with a fleshed-out, but concise, investor presentation that will get you started on pitching your concept successfully.

Read more about investor presentations in our past articles on Preparing for Investors and The Rules of the Game.


Need more help? We offer phone consultation with screenshare to coach you through the use of this template.

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Template Bundle

Bundle of 11 templates included with the purchase of The Farmer’s Office. Please reference the book for download instructions. If you don’t have the book, you can still purchase this package of templates which appear noted with an asterisk in the list to your right.