Take Control of Your Business's Profitability 

We offer a variety of online classes to help farmers and chefs develop their business management skills; improving their business profitability.


The Farmer's Office - Online and The Farmer's Edge are FSA approved!

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The Farmer's Edge - Online Course and Consulting Collective

Whether you struggle to understand the economics of your business or just want to increase your farm’s profitability, this course is for you! Each week, you will delve into specific business topics that will help you maximize your farm’s profitability.Group sessions begin in December 2023, and meet on-line for 2 hours every week. The first hour is devoted to a specific business topic, such as QuickBooks or Cash Flow Budgeting.  The remaining portion of each class is an open discussion for participants to ask specific questions about their businesses.
Learn more about The Farmer's Edge

"Julia delivers pertinent information in a very accessible way! The class is well structured, the content is relevant, and the easy access to Julia for questions is a powerful package. I highly recommend it to anyone working with farmers and food people on business and financial matters."

Ellen Polishuk, Plant to Profit, MD

Cash Flow "Masterclass" for Business Advisors

A live class to dig deep into QuickBooks Classes meet on Tuesdays starting April 8th at 10AM EST. We will cover:
  • How to validate the quality of QuickBooks reports
  • Help clients problem solve QB, update their chart of accounts, and products and services
  • How to run and customize reports
  • understanding the bank feed and how to avoid common mistakes in QBO
Learn More about QuickBooks for Business Advisors

"I found each week was interesting and full of good learning (a great value!) I truly enjoyed the class.  It was like filling in the missing link for me in my business advising - tying a lot of various elements together. "

Paige Phinney, Kitchen Table Advisors

The Farmer's Edge - A Coach's Primer

The live, weekly online sessions will enhance your existing knowledge and experiences to make a greater impact on the viability of your farmers and clients. We'll teach you methods and techniques for managing farm finances, which can then be applied to improve your clients' businesses. Check back for when we schedule the next session.Learn more about The Farmer's Edge - A Coach's Primer
Learn more about The Farmer's Edge - A Coach's Primer

"The Farmer’s Edge was an invaluable program for not only creating a clear picture of my farm's finances but also for planning future production. I can now easily analyze the profitability of each of my crops and see what is working, what isn’t and confidently make informed decisions to grow a successful business."

Susan Peters, Deer Ridge Farm, VT

The Farmer's Office - Online

Based on the book of the same name, The Farmer’s Office - Online is a self-paced, course designed to give farmers the skills and tools needed to cultivate financially sustainable businesses.Whether you struggle to understand the economics of your business, want to increase your farm’s profitability or don’t even know where to begin, this course is for you! In each section, you will delve into specific business topics that will help you make informed decisions to maximize your farm’s profitability and understand your cash flow.Features:
  • Over 60 videos, quizzes and case studies
  • Self-Paced Course, available 24/7
  • Access to live webinars that enhance and reinforce the core learnings
  • Office Hours provide live access to instructors so you can ask your farm-specific questions
  • Approved by USDA-FSA for its borrow training requirements.
Learn more about The Farmer's Office Online

“Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of QuickBooks online!  Your classes have helped me tremendously!”

Dayle Reinke, Cloverleaf Grass Farm

What WeOffer You

Whether you’re just starting out, or expanding your business to the next phase of growth, Julia Shanks Food Consulting can help you succeed. Click below to find out more about our services.
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Tips, Toolsand Templates

Writing a business plan? Looking for investors? Getting set up in QuickBooks? We’ve got the tools and templates you need, from planning a startup to growing your business.
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Have Julia SpeakAt Your Conference

Julia speaks about small business accounting, business planning and sustainability. Recent conferences include NY Veterans in Agriculture and Women in Sustainable Agriculture.
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