There are many resources on the web to help you write a business plan, create financial projections and grow your business. We've developed our tools as we've helped our clients achieve and maintain financial sustainability. They're designed for real entrepreneurs and have been thoroughly road-tested over the years. We posted them here for your reference and use because we think it's important for beginning entrepreneurs to have access to high-quality tools and information, even if they're not in a financial position to engage consulting services. Whatever your stage of business, we have tools to help. If there's something not here you'd like to see, let us know, as we're adding new content regularly. And of course, if you need more assistance, do get in touch — we're always happy to help. Templates noted with an asterisk are referenced in the first edition of The Farmer's Office. 

Template Bundle The Farmer's Office*

Templates noted with an asterisk in the list above are referenced in the first edition of The Farmer’s Office. Though the 1st edition is no longer available, you can still purchase this package of templates. You can also access them with Community Membership at The Farmer’s Office – Online.